Tuesday 15 February 2011

Atlas Shrugged


I really wasn't going to blog about this but it was something that greatly annoyed and vexed me so much that I just had too. Comrades, be wary of those who try to get you to do things for them. Sometimes, I get the feeling they are only looking for a means as to help themselves.You are a good person but certainly not a fool. Keep that in mind.

I remember once when I was living in the lovely Berrylands not to far from Kingston-Upon-Thames on a street called Rose Walk. However, as anyone from Berrylands will tell you, since Rose Walk is located near a sewer works the aroma in the summer time doesn't do the name of the street any service. It is incredible. The situation may have improved now many years onwards and the people of Rose Walk are free to BBQ forever in peace. Amen. When I was a student, it came to be that eventually we needed to find a new house mate to replace someone who had left. In the interests of swiftness, soon enough John moved in. John was a nice guy really. At first quite polite and most certainly ambitious like all young men can be. Very ready to share bread and eager to run for the presidency of his homeland when the time was right. So bold are such dreams sometimes that you cannot help wondering if they're genuine or simply a misdirected longing for instant greatness. In later months I cannot say that my view of him was so rosey.

I like to think of myself as a nice person who is more than willing to help others. I remember it being quite a nice day. Sunshine overhead, bird song my ears and not a care that day requiring much attention. John had just moved in and remarked that he needed help assembling his new double bed. I kindly proceed to assist him. At that time I didn't even have a bed myself. The Japanese floor bed I had fashioned was splendour enough for sleeping on. I'm not too shabby when it come to DIY. Surely you just follow the instructions? So then being a man of logic that is what I did. Little did I know that John had other ideas and fixed to construct his side of the bed "freestyle" without the provided blueprint. Naturally, one must quesion why a person would think this ample logic for such a task. Ok it isn't quantum physics but there are allot of screws and pieces of wood you know. Allot could go wrong. Then again, I must question myself as to why I allowed him to do so without noticing. I can only try and explain by saying that it was due to no lack of communication on my part and presidential on his. I carried on the polite conversation and corrected his work as it would definitely warrant some eventual future favour. Suddenly, there was a call and John had to leave. Indeed again, being that nice & helpful person that I am, I agreed to carry on with construction as he assured me he'd be back soon. 15 mintutes max. An hour later I am starving and growing tired of building this bed alone. Also I am wondering where my other house mate Mark is as I hadn't seen him all morning. I decided to take a break and see where what Mark is doing. No doubt it wouldn't be anything of importance but engaging enough before I would return to helpfulness. I go upstairs to Mark's room and find the door closed. After knocking I am allowed inside only to find him likewise tasked with a construction job.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask him. I hadn't noticed Mark buying any new furniture.
"John asked me to help him build this book shelf." Mark replied.
"Did he now? And did he say he would be back in 15 mintutes." I enquired. 

Mark said that this was indeed the case. I realised that we had both been duped into doing the unwanted jobs of another. I wasn't supraised that John didn't say anything on his return to his room to find the bed unfinished with the book case far incomplete and dumped in the corner.

People will sometimes try games like this. You may ask "Were you so stupid that you didn't realise!" You see my friend, when you are trying to be helpful and welcoming the last thing that you want your new friend to think is that you are otherwise. What a great start it would be so appear unhelpful, unwelcoming and a bit of tosser all in one go? No sir, that's not the way. Like I said, be wary of those who appear unable. The truth is that they can't be bothered and think themselves cunning enough to get others to do the work.

Become Columbo!

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