Saturday 26 March 2011

Of Observation


Sometimes you have to allow the fat man to have his way. Let him have his fun. If he thinks its a good idea to pester women and subjugate such lovely creatures to the most cringe worthy 'work flirting' you have ever seen in your life, let him. To him it is the sport of things far out of reach. A game to satisfy the will of the seemingly impossible. Who are you to deny him embarrassment to which is completely oblivious? He dreams too you know? Liken it to spitting in the wind. You will have to wipe it off your shirt and yes, you have not succeeded, they have seen you and the laugher is building. It is disgusting, yet the only means to clear the throat sometimes. Furthermore, never rob yourself of the amusement of observation. Life would be but the mere rising and falling of your chest without them. You deserve better and whatever your're willing to work hard for.

You're doing well.
Everything is OK!

Safe :D

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