Monday 11 July 2011

I have returned 2.0

Greetings friends,

It has come to my attention that I have been very much neglecting my blog lately and haven't posted anything in months. I have therefore, returnd to correct this. I've been very busy lately and to think, even a little productive. I've been doing loads of work for Everyone's United [EUTV] and even tried to take up writing again. I really do enjoy it. I'll let you have a look sometime. Alternatively, if you have a Google account then you're already winning and 'sometime' becomes sooner.

I was also lucky enough to get an invite to the new Google+. I must say that already, just because its from Google, that I much prefer it to Facebook. Despite having hardly anyone added to my circles on Google+ I think its better. Certainly, I haven't added any details or reasons why I think its better. I'll let that to you but I know you'll see what I mean. It going to be too sick once more people get on there.

Facebook is boring :)

Catch up with you all again soon!

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