Sunday 23 January 2011

Concerning Ideas (Part 1)

Greetings & Salutations,

It is my firm belief that we all live in a world of opportunity. It is only when our desire is enough that we learn to take the opportunity for oneself in aid of either personal development, success or helping others. We all have ideas. Naturally, this does not mean that they are all good ideas but they are at least our own. What we do with them is completely up to us & at the time of our choosing.

Allot of our young ideas may fail. That is not to say that I am a negative person but we cannot deny the lessons observed from the struggle of start up businesses & companies. It is what we do with our failure that counts. Indeed, we would just give up or sweep ideas under the carpet to be deposed off at some long procrastinated date in the future. Or we can learn from our mistakes & improve. That is how I believe an idea gains weight, holds water, becomes the one that earns & creates a legacy. A legacy for yourself, family and the friends you love. One that helps ourselves & more importantly others. It is the method that has lead me to the position of confidence about my own projects that are is indeed worthy of investment, viable & something I can put my heart to.

The pursuit of helping others, animals, communities, businesses or people is a fine & fair thing, so long as it is genuine and sits firmly in your heart with conviction & purpose. It is your own idea that you would never allow a person to say "will not work", is "not do-able" or "not realistic." Of course one should never blind themselves if it can be explained why "something doesn't work" but it is my observation that such comments like this are rarely made on any strong or scientific foundation. Do not listen to them. They are not creators of dreams or architects so with what right have they to play down your ambitions. Perhaps they should focus on their own business instead of the current affairs of other people?

You are your own master & examiner. You would never lie to yourself. Therefore, you will know yourself when an idea is not the best it can be & that there is always room for improvement.

Good Luck...!

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