Saturday 22 January 2011

Super Street Blogger Turbo: Alpha II 3D

Hello again,
Here’s post number two on my this blogging ting. I must say that I think I’m really going to enjoy this blogging stuff but I’m still trying to get used to it as I've never really done it.

I'm seriously loving Twitter at the moment. I swear it's like crack, not that I've tried crack cocaine but you know what I mean. I bet it's good though if you happen to be partial to such things. Indeed, the pursuit of gaining followers is fine use of time when there's nothing better to be doing. Sure, I could map the stars if I wished, assist CERN with finding the God Particle a little faster but I think that getting random people to follow me on Twitter to be a far more noble activity. I really do wonder how some people on there have like tens of thousands of followers. It's crazy cult stuff no doubt. Since I've been using Twitter more regularly I've noticed a drastic decline in my Facebook usage. I'm not complaining & I don't really give a toss about Facebook. I'm getting sick of being surrounded by the sometimes overtly negative people on there that ruin a beautiful thing.

Anyway, now that I'm well upon the way to becoming a "Power Blogger" I don't think there's much that can stand in my way! I feel stronger than I ever have in my life. I feel my word speed increasing and my brain feels like I've been playing Dr Kawashima's Brain Training for eons. I am certain that this is what if feels like to finally become a "Super Street Blogger" Ahhhh how I wish I'd known about these secret powers of blogging sooner. It's nice to feel a bit exclusive once in a while.

O' gods of blogging, bless me with your divine grace and allow me to worship you like an unquestioning fool. For I am but your servant and you are all seeing and kind. Surely, for I am not worthy to receive these gifts and.... well you know the rest.

Verily & truly!

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