Saturday 22 January 2011

Juicy like Opal!

Yes yes,

Phew... finally put the finishing touches to my blog & I'm really looking forward to some proper blogging. Let's say I'm saving all the juicy stuff for later.

Far too juicy for you!
In actual fact I have no idea what to write about but my lord of hosts worry not as I will try my best to entertain you. I have no doubt that this blog will also contain as much academic and factual posts as I can manage. I just wanted a place where I could practice my writing & be a bit silly out of the public view of my friends & Facebook people I'll probably never meet in my life. "But we're real friends right?" Sure, have no doubt. Of course you may post on my wall as if we've know each other for centuries. No I don't mind at all and stop asking it's not weird in the slightest old boy. I don't want to give you my number though so please don't be offended. Such are the strains of a nice, well mannered, outgoing yet humble blogger warrior.

Please Let me know what you think of my banner at the top as I spent all but a few minutes & hours making it look decent on Photoshop.

Hoping that your all well.


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